
PDViPeR is written in Python (2.7 at the time of writing) and has several module dependencies that require installation. For Windows users, there is a self-contained installation package file available as the recommended download option for PDViPeR that does not require the dependencies to be installed separately. It can be downloaded from the PDViPeR download page

For Linux and Mac users the easiest way to install these dependencies is to install one of the Enthought Python Distributions. The EPDFree distribution contains all the modules on which PDViPeR depends. A typical user can just download and install EPDFree then download and unpack PDViPeR and run it immediately.

Some users might prefer alternatives to EPDFree. For example Academic or Commercial users may prefer to use one of Enthought’s other distributions. Other popular Python distributions include Python(x,y), WinPython and ActiveState’s ActivePython, all of which will require installation of at least some of the following dependencies:

Python package dependencies

PDViPeR depends on the following Python modules being installed in the Python environment

Those wishing to build the documentation from source will also need Sphinx. For those familiar with installing Python packages, the dependencies can be found in the central repository of Python modules. For Microsoft Windows users, Christoph Gohlke (C.G.) maintains a useful repository of Windows installers for many modules. Linux users can typically find the dependencies using their package manager (e.g. synaptic or yum). Mac users should visit the individual sites linked above for instructions.

Example 3. Windows installation using Python(x,y) (optional)

  1. Visit the Python(x,y) downloads page and install a distribution.
  2. Verify that Python is running correctly (see Example 1. Windows installation using the self-contained executable file (recommended)).
  3. Visit the PDViPeR download page and follow the instructions to obtain the PDViPeR setup file.
  4. Running the installer will install PDViPeR and create a start menu entry.

Example 4. Windows installation on a system with Python already installed (experienced)

Note: untested.

  1. Check the package dependency list above.
  2. The easiest way here is to use the packages provided by Python(x,y) and/or Christoph Gohlke. Install the required dependency, taking care to choose packages for Python 2.7 and to choose the 32 or 64 bit package version that matches your Python version. Install in turn numpy (if in doubt choose the numpy-MKL-... version), scipy, matplotlib, wxPython, and finally ETS.

Example 6. Linux installation using synaptic (experienced)

Note: untested.

This description is for Ubuntu Linux. yum packaged names in Fedora Linux flavours should have similar names.

  1. First, verify that Python2.7 is running correctly. e.g. for Ubuntu, open a terminal. At the $ prompt type python -c "import sys; print sys.version". Verify that a string displays identifying a 2.7 branch version of Python.
  2. Using synaptic or apt-get install <package> install the following packages: python-numpy, python-scipy, python-matplotlib, python-traits, python-traitsui, python-chaco, python-pyface, python-wxgtk2.8
  3. Visit the PDViPeR download page and follow the instructions to obtain the package.
  4. The main application file is in the directory into which PDViPeR was unpacked.
  5. PDViPeR can be started by running ./ or ./ To do this, at the $ prompt type chmod 777 followed by, for example, ./