Welcome to PDViPeR’s documentation!

PDViPeR [1] is a data analysis program developed for use on the Australian Synchrotron (AS) Powder Diffraction (PD) beamline. It takes data captured on the Mythen microstrip detector and performs the following post-processing operations:

  • Reads .xye and .xy ASCII columnar data files and writes processed files in .xye format
  • Visual comparison of datasets.
  • Aligns and merges dataset pairs based on a user-specified alignment region.
  • Two merge methods (splice and merge) with normalisation to a specified detector position or reference file.
  • Outputs plots suitable for publication or editing: Vertically stacked series, interpolated 2D image and 3D waterfall plots.
  • X-axis/abscissa rescaling between 2θ, d-space and Q units.


This section contains auto-generated documentation extracted from the processing module that contains the interpolation, alignment and merging algorithms.

Indices and tables

[1]PDViPeR – Powder Diffraction Visualisation Processing and Reporting.

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